Wednesday 16 October 2013

Feel Good is to Do Good

The way to feel good is to do good. The way to feel successful is to take the actions that bring about success.

You cannot truly feel what you do not truly live. Be honest and authentic with yourself, with others, and with life, because anything less is just cheating yourself.

Spend this day being a unique and enthusiastic expression of life's goodness. See how much of a positive difference you can make, and experience what a genuine, positive feeling you get from doing so.

Seek to add richness to the lives of others and be delighted at how much richness it brings into your own life. Do something good and useful just because it is the right thing to do, and discover how right it feels.

Let go of the tiresome fight to gain advantage, and direct your energy toward appreciating and creating goodness. Move beyond the need to prove yourself and focus instead on improving all of life.

Give more and more of your own unique goodness to those around you, to the world, and to life. And feel the outstanding richness as it grows increasingly abundant for you.